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AFLV exists to accelerate progress in fraternity & sorority communities through change-enabling experiences. We are excited to continue our online awards program! 

Within this site, you will find two different awards sections including the Council Compass Awards Program including Marketing and Media Showcase, and Individual Named Awards all of which comprise of AFLV's 2025 Awards and Assessment Program. Each award celebrates the change-enabling works of fraternity and sorority organizations through the achievements of student councils, member chapters, and individual change makers. 

All submissions should reflect actions achieved throughout 2024. To create purposeful applications, AFLV's Awards and Assessment program remains open until Monday, Nov. 11, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (PT). Ready to submit? Click Here

AFLV Council Compass Awards Program  

The AFLV Council Compass program is a program for councils that assesses operations, critical thinking, ability to address issues unique to the community culture, and new ideas and initiatives a council creates and sustains that make a difference.


Council Compass will ask your councils to reflect on their achievements in four, directional areas:

  • Accountability: A council’s ability to follow through, manage responsibly, and expect high standards from the community it governs.
  • Collaboration: The ability to work successfully among the council, chapters, staff, and the larger community.
  • Education: The ability to educate all council members about necessary, relevant, and progressive topics.
  • Innovation: The council’s ability to go beyond what has been created or achieved before. Critical and creative thinking that leads to cutting-edge programs and initiatives.

Curious about the star level within the four directional areas that best aligns with your council's achiements? Want to learn more about the philosophy behind the differing Council Compass star levels through the Council Compass Rubric? Have you viewed the Main Question List, which includes every potential question within the application process? For all of this and more click the link below!

AFLV Marketing and Media Showcase

The AFLV Marketing & Media Showcases recognizes marketing and communication pieces from fraternity/sorority chapters, councils and communities from around the country and provides constructive feedback to participants.


  • Website
  • Video Campaign
  • Poster/Flyer/Brochure
  • Multipage Publication

For a description of the items encompassed in the above-mentioned categories and application requirements click the link below. 

Before starting your submission please review the FAQs for additional best practices to make the awards application process seamless. Should questions arise along the way please do not hesitate to email the Director of Awards and Assessment, awards@aflv.org or Shauna Prentice, Student Experience Director, shauna@aflv.org.

Good Luck from #Team AFLV!

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